Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Oh My Glob, I woke up thinking somehow it's Wednesday already... must have had a quantum leap in my dreams I think! Nice weather too, chilly wind still brrrrr!
Oh the other hand, re-installed BF3... oh my gawd, haven't played it for so long, but forgot how smooth it is and how fast it loads! Yeah sure, everyone seems to be a lvl 100 colonel, and you get killed a lot, but at least you get kills pretty easy too.
Only thing I don't really like is the fact that the game seems sped up... like by 1.5x? So the movement is super unrealistic and everyone's twitching every. Ok, admittedly for that I like BF4's pace a wee bit better. Plus in BF3 it's still ridiculous trying to snipe.... the weapon balance in BF3 was atrocious, and you tended to stick with one mega weapon.


  1. You installed BF3 ? Awesome ! Wanna co-op ? unlock some weapons ! Yeah I do prefer BF3 to BF4 - sure it's not as fancy looking as BF4 and there isn't any leveloution crap - but at least the game is stable and yeah it seems kinda sped up like everyone is on stereoids but I do get more kills and there isnt any issue of bad netcode and the ping is great even if I play on US servers with ping over 250 ! it's the tickrate and netcoding of BF4 that makes it so frustrating... although there are STILL alot of hackers on the BF3 servers but no where near as many as on the BF4 servers ! Speaking of dreams - had bad dream after bad dream last night.. all different places and different times.. first one was the one I usually get where I am immobilised, cant breathe/move/open my eyes and I feel as though something is holding me down.. in my dream I willed myself to open my eyes and walk to the light switch and turn on the light.. after which I woke up for real in the darkness. 2nd dream was one where i was surrounded by zombies with glowing yellow eyes.. dunno how I got out of that one and the third one I was in a room looking at a wall with latin inscriptions and the first word was very decorative like we see in old manuscripts.. very weird dreams ! Ok back to BF3 - yeah it is harder to snipe in BF4.. ofcourse I only have the DMR now in BF3 lol But its great for taking out damn campers on the crane in Noshar Canals !

  2. Whoa, intense dreams dood! Too many late nights/coffee?

  3. Dunno man ! But scary dream.. sometimes I hate to sleep cos' when I wake up I have this feeling that I went somewhere but I can't recall any of it ! And I don't feel rested.
