Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Venus - Jupiter

Pic taken outside my house. The brighter one is venus, to the left is Jupiter.

Interestingly at on point it was so bright, it seemed a halo was surrounding it!

Darn all the light pollution! :p

Up above!

Seems tonite, the moon, jupiter and venus will be at the closest it's ever been! You can check it out here thanks to NASA.

Been noticing Venus "very" bright recently, and thanks to the Sky Explorer app, i can actually tell that those are the actual planets. :)

Got a pic off my HP, not the clearest, but i'll upload it when i can! :D

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Was contemplating on whether i should perorder the threeA MG REX toy/figure/robot, and decided, what the heck, might as well! It's scheduled to come out in August anyway. :p

This baby's 1/48 scale, was chatting with the guy at TFH, and he was saying it was HUGE.... yeah, the pic to the left says it all.

If it topples over, it's probably gonna kill your chihuahua... so keep the pets away!

It has lights in the cockpit, and also a lighted railgun with a animated firing sequence! Also just read this version will include a tiny 1/48 solid snake figure and a poster.... $600 bucks... is it worth it? My birthday month anyway, so what the heck! ;)


Picked up my Kai Arts Cyborg Ninja today, takes a while getting used to a figure scale slightly smaller that 1/18, but still much larger than your regular McFarlane ones.

Detail on the fig is awesome. More pics when i take it out of the box! Definately nicer than the old McFarlane series way back then; shows how much technology has improved since then!

Strangely, Snake and Grey Fox were released at the same time, however TFH only had C. Ninja; apparently some places got stock of Snake only and some for C. Ninja.

Well, gotta decide whether to preoreder the Meryl fig. The post painted sculpts look good, and Kai Arts paint application is pretty good, but the latest colored pics don't seem t00 hot. AND traditionally, girl figs dun turn out so good unless it's a static PVC fig. Remains to be seen anyway!

Just don't touch the boobie size! ;

On another note, upcoming figs are Solidus from MGS2 and Ga... Uh, Raiden from the new game... wait for it... MSG REVENGEANCE!.. OMG >_<;

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lunch today!

Mmmmm! Cheeken chopu! :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Picked up a Magpul case for my Iphone; yes THAT magpul. :)
Made in USA baby! :p

What caught my eye actually was the texture of the case. They apparently use the same material for their accessories; if you've handled the mag of the SAR21, it feels something like that.

It's semi-rigid, and the iPhone slips in nicely, all ports and buttons are easily acessible too... no cheapo feel to this.

Best thing? Costs only US$9.95! :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More MGS Love!

Woohoo! More MGS shirts on the way from UNIQLO to celebrate MGS's 25th Anniversary... has it been that long?

Anyway, some interesting designs! Hope they come to Singapore soon! :)

Act of Valor

Just caught Act of Valor on the big screen this evening; was expecting to catch to usual hoo-hah whiz bang explosions usually associated with this genre.. but ended up feeling... kinda sad actually!

No, this show ain't bad at all; plot is definately something from your typical FPS games, you know, bad guy, jihadi's etc ( Tom Clancy consulted ). But it doesn't go overboard into becoming a "Look at me big bad American with Big guns booooom!" type of show. In fact, it had a slightly documentary feel to it, with the (supposed active duty) Navy seals putting on a decent show. Hey they're not gonna win any oscars but it works for this movie!

Midway through the show, it kinda sinks in that these guys are doing a crappy job that no one else can do, but yet someone has to; it also highlights the sacrifices these guys make that probably no one is gonna thank them for. Action wise the roar of the miniguns and SAWs going off was great on the big screen. SFX was good although they could tone down the exagerrated explosions of the frag granades.

Probably what hit me most was to see what these guys were fighting for in spite of having kids and family (being a daddy myself). I wonder if it comes down to the crunch, will i be able to be selfless and make that split second decision to give it all?

Overall, good movie to catch if you can. Hooah!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Todays Lunch

Fish fillet rice! :) not bad!