Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cool... Airsoft

Man, the last frontier for me I thinks! Always wanted an Airsoft gun, but being here in SG, it's amazingly a no-no... after making males in this country fire real rifles duh.

Anyway, it would be cool to have an Airsoft centre in SG! I think long ago there was something like this here. :p



  1. Haha cool didnt know LevelCap actually made airsoft videos too lol - guess the next best thing we have is paintball which i hear stings like hell lol Which hurts more when getting hit - by a paint ball round or by a BB round ?

  2. Oh gawd, Airsoft can be dangerous! Saw some vids where the BB hit bare skin.... Ewwww! "a typical 0.2g airsoft pellet will penetrate skin at 136.7 metres per second (448 ft/s), " :p
