Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Battlefield 4 - Vehicle tweaks incomingggg!!!!

Oh gawd, they're gonna tweak the game before fixing the major issues, I don't understand. Well, it's just gonna cause ANOTHER round of unbalance cos another group of 15 yr olds will be unhappy and rant on the forums. Way I look at it attack choppers will be the happy campers here, as though they're not overpowered enough already sheesh. I think sometimes these farking developers think out of their arses when they implement these tweaks.. and why touch the staff round? It's kinda shite taking out other tanks or anything else already and you're reducing the damage by 25%?


1 comment:

  1. Dunno what EA is trying to do lo... tweak this tweak that until the game is more broken than it was before... wtf. Yeah - they always pander to the whining minorities that cry like babies and thats why stuff gets nerfed. Some things ok to make adjustments but mostly I see unjustified. How come no improvements to jets ??
