Thursday, August 27, 2015

Metal Gear Solid V

So, less than a week away from the launch of MGSV! I wonder how it'd do without Hideo Kojima... or is it all some weird elaborate scheme dreamed up by him? To make people think he's gone or something so that it somehow ties to the theme of the game? Maybe he went for a sex change operation? Who know? :p

Anyway, new launch trailer here! Admittedly the new Metal Gear looks... scary.Spoilers if you don't want to see what it looks like... and it's name too.... 0_o;


  1. Ah was just watching this ! I don't get how Snake can become Punished Venom Snake ? And how come he kena chao ta until like that ? The Quiet Theme playing throughout the trailer is nice though ! Question is - does one have to play MGS Peacewalker prior to playing Phantom Pain ?

  2. There was a HD remake of peacewalker right? Man, wish they'ed reissue those for the PS4... :( Ace combat too!

  3. Yeah - apparently the MGSV themed PS4 is only for US and AU/NZ release but seeing how there arent many games for the PS4.... prob pick this up on PC or for the PS3 lol Yeah - a HD remake for the AC series on PS4 would be darn good !
