Monday, August 31, 2015

Revoltech X-wing

Hmmm.. so got my revoltech X-wing! It's made of hard plastic thank gawd, not that rubbery stuff they're usually made of. The paint job is pretty ok, not overdone, so i guess the user can dirty it up a bit more if they wanted. :) Surface detail is good with panel lines throughout.

Two of the lasers were bent out of the box though, and the same stripy ones... factory fault? Anyway, nothing some hot water can't fix! The S-foils open and close, the engines are on ball joints so the angle can be adjusted. The canopy just pops off though, no hinge! The Artoo unit is nice... but the pilot is gawd awful... just look at him! :( There is landing gear too but it has to be swapped out.

Not a bad toy overall, not the best out there i guess? But better than that diecast series and some of what hasbro puts out. For the price they could have given more accessories like the ladder to the cockpit, or the pilot transport vehicle... guess most of it went to the license fee?  I'd give this a 7/10. I'm being generous here cos i like the X-wing in most forms generally! :D


  1. Oh darn nice ! I was contemplating getting this !

  2. Haha it's not too bad! Good for swooshing around! :D
