Monday, February 10, 2014

Killzone : Shadow Fall

Ok, so just got Killzone SF over the weekend for the PS4, that brings my game library for the PS4 to a grand total of.... 2! Haha, well not counting the free stuff on PS Plus that is.
Well, the killzone series has always been the "Halo" of the PS consoles, and honestly speaking, I never really got into it; the action was always too generic and although the bad guys look interesting, the feel of the Killzone universe as a whole was never too enticing. Kinda hard for them, as they're stuck between the more well defined HALO universe, and shooters like COD/BF.
I think I'm into like, the fourth or fifth chapter of the game? Yeah, the graphics are nice, but nothing you've not seen on the PC already. (Try Crysis 3 on ultra...Ooooo). Gameplay itself is pretty generic, but they try to spice things up by adding a companion bot with you, and focusing more on single player actions rather than being part of a squad and all.
The game feels kinda like a throwback to the PS2/PS3 types of FPS.. enemies too 'Smart' with magic AI. There's too much guesswork I feel to know where to go next; yeah, pressing up on the D pad will show you the waypoint, but the problem is that the way the game is designed, there are no hints that you can actually climb up to a ledge and such until you are near it, and the way some of these are presented visually are not easy to spot.
I'll leave my final rants when I complete the game haha! :p

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