Wednesday, December 4, 2013

BF4 Multiplayer : YU LIDDAT?

Well, not that I'm not having fun in the game, although it sucks having to level up to get better weapons and attachments. (And probably cos my reflexes ain't what they used to be haha!), something just feels.... off.... about the game? Oh yeah, in between the crashes and hanging (Definitely buggier than BF3!), there seems to be a lot of 'magic' kills and lag in the game.... well, the article below sure explains it... hope they get the code right soon! As it stands, it kinda sucks when you lose your points midway in a game..


  1. It's buggy and laggy as hell.. still is after DICE patched it just before releasing the China Rising DLC... they basically rush released that too... farking hit detection rate is still shit.. one shot one kill still there... but supposedly EA is stopping everything else to focus on fixing BF4... we consumers suffer - pay for an imcomplete game because EA needs to push the game out to retail to get the $$$$$ so they can report on profits to shareholders.. guess BF4 will be fixed when BF5 is out lol.

  2. Haha, EA is at it again! Although the game is still better than that other COD game! :p Right now I still get kicked out for no reason or the game hangs while loading an MP session... not on all servers though! I find playing on 150-200 ping servers the best for me. Anything sub 50 and they always kill me before see them.... weird.
