Saturday, August 31, 2013

Soldier Story FAMCOM 2013 Exclusive

Well, this is going to eventually be a regular release, but the price was hard to pass up! It's going for crazy prices, plus it's not easy to get for now. :)

Again, this is based off a US SF Operator, don't have details on what unit he belongs too, but that's ok. I love their special ed packaging, still less bulky than their reguar releases.

There's actually two releases of this guy, with the main difference being the jacket( either camo or tan, so it's all up to personal preference! (The camo version is a  Hobby Expo China Exclusive) Also, the HS is based off Gerard Butler as with all their releases.


  1. Thanks for pre-ordering the PJ bro :) Let me know how much to transfer you when it arrives ! Somehow the HS doesn't really look like Gerard Butler ? Awesome fig though ! I have the other Green Beret SF fig - havent opened it yet lol

  2. It's like a grimacing Gerard Butler with his head kicked in! Prob try to get shades for him hehe!
