Thursday, August 29, 2013

C&H - So True

Just had to post this... it's so true, what is the measure of a man's worth in this day and age? Time to rethink priorities in life! :) * Blogger doesn't seem to scale the pic correctly, you can check the full comic strip here!

1 comment:

  1. Too true old buddy... the world is a very brutal and cruel place - not all of it, but society can be very cold and 99% of people out there will judge you on your looks, your job, the car you drive, the number of cards you have and type and education background... its a superficial world. So in order to "fit in" and "conform" to what society expects us to be, 99% of us keeps on chasing the wheel in the rat race to get us these things and soon we loose track of our measure of self worth and what's really important... is it possible not to go down this road ? I'm not sure now in this day and age when things are so tough but I guess yes with the right balance and right mindset vs goals :)
