Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BF4 Today

Soooooo... played me some Battlefield 4 yesterday Arrrrr, after stopping for quite a bit. How's the game after the most recent patch? Well, the framerate seems to have improved for one, there seems to be lesser unwarranted kills, although that really depends on the server you're playing on. Spawn kills still happen, sound bug still there on certain custom servers. The AA is still awesome.
Also, there was a battlelog plugin yesterday to reflect the upcoming Naval Strike expansion. So the assignments are now visible. Heck, you can start on the NStrike assignments in fact.
One thing that really sucks now is the restrictions set by the server admins; kick cos ping too high (>100), kick cos "please find your own country server", kick cos whatever.. I thought this was a multiplayer game?
Anyway, most servers were empty yest for Asia and N. America. Think it's cos of the release of Titanfall.


  1. Yeah - couldn't agree more on the stupid server admin settings.. anything above like 150 they kick.. sucks more for me cos here in Oz there aren't many servers for TDM.. mostly conquest and even that are few only. If I connect to any US servers my ping is super high over 250... sigh. Thanks to EA and their stupid tickrate which i believe plays a part in this ping thing. Yeah - I now see ppl using the new AWS LMG and the new PDW... more assignments to unlock.. ugh.

  2. Their model is not sustainable in the long run i think, the experience is not consistent because of all these private servers. Making the game suck. Haha, the 'Annual Wage Supplement" is a glorified M16 with 100 rounds! :p
