Tuesday, March 18, 2014

MGS V : Ground Zeroes

It's the 'Big' day! MGSV:GZ is supposed to be out today; saw on the forums in SG that some people have already completed it ummm.. well, it's like, a 2 hour game if you play straight through it yeah. Some people are saying Kojima's copping out by releasing this as a retail product.... well hey, people still bought Gran Turismo Prologue too right? And the PS3 version comes with Peace Walker HD too for a limited time.

Well, let's see if i can find it at a gameshop near my place later. :)


  1. Awesome ! Graphics must be nice ! Does it come with the special Jamis Vu mission where u can play as Gaiden.. er.. Raiden ? Wish I had a PS4 !

  2. I think the PS gets the classic snake while Xbox gets Ga.. uh, Raiden. :) Ha, I bet it'll all be DLC after a certain time anyway! :p

  3. Cool.. someone completed it in 10 minutes lol
