Thursday, July 11, 2013

Murder at Kovan!

Was stuck in a BADDD jam after getting on the 317 home from the interchange, what normally takes only 15 mins became a wait of almost 30 mins.... in the same spot! The bust hardly moved past the 2 stop after the interchange, and most people in the bus were getting antsy at the waiting... over half the bus asked the bus driver to let them off at the roadside since the bus wasn't moving.
I was tempted to get off too, but luckily I stayed on cos the bus got moving again shortly after most of the people alighted woohoo! Anyway, once I crossed the junction, I took a look.... and didn't see any accident of whatnot there... which I found kinda strange.
It was only after I got home that I was told by some of my coligs that there was some suspected murder at kovan (more here!), some guy was dragged over 1km from hillside (that's where the old St gabes was), to Kovan MRT! Police closed a few lanes, causing the jam which tailed alllll the way back to Potong Pasir..... no joke!

1 comment:

  1. My GF was telling me about it.. apparently it's a double homicide ? Father and son.. sad. They both must have known the attacker, because the older vic was found in their home i think....
