Monday, July 29, 2013


Ooo... Monday blues! Didn't sleep too well last night even though the kiddies knocked out early last night! Weather wasn't too hot, yet my mind couldn't rest.

Strangely, still had a dream that i went japan! Wow, i went to a bookstore looking for a magazine, even took their train to the location. I recall walking along their street, and seeing this tree without any branches, and there was damage yo the surroundings for some reason.

I decided to take a pic of the tree, and strangely the moment i did so, the tree crumbled into dust!

Now what does that mean? :p


  1. Mondays suck ! Good thing today I knock off on time.. fed up of staying back late night after night ! Talk about a strange dream dude - that is a weird dream ! Wonder what it means ? I had one last week... dreamt I and another person were on this bus travelling along Ang Mo Kio Ave 1... there was no one on the bus except us and the driver ofcourse.. it was at night and the sky was filled with glowing lights.. in the dream i felt this sense of urgency to get to some place to collect something but I cant remember what it was... weird !

  2. Ooooo! Creepy! Think I had another dream two weeks ago or so, we were out having a drink or something haha. :p

  3. Yeah man ! Miss our Friday dinner and drinks ! December !
