Sunday, December 28, 2014

Old Iron Man

I was supposed to do this for a bit already; remove the batteries from my first HT Iron Man figure! Problem was, i put it in storage, and it wasn't until recently i went down to the store to dig through my junk, and came across this! :p

So i brought it back... And procastinated until today that is haha! Man, the plastic cover is all yellowed already. And HT surrrre has come a long way in the quality and finish of their figures! Some parts have become pinkish and with the very first IM figure, the finish looked kinda rubberish which a lot of people complained about.

Well, got down to removing the figure... And whew, wasn't as horrible as i thought it'd be! I expected the battery to have eaten through the plastic but amazingly no such thing happened. This was with the plastic tab removed.

The batteries in the arm fared a bit better, the tabs were still there, but the batteries only just started to show signs of leaking, so had to dump those too!

Thankfully, HT seperates the batteries nowdays from the figure.... BUT they are still there in the box! Wonder if i should get rid of them totally. :p

1 comment:

  1. It's about time someone invented a new type of battery that doesn't leak cos' it doesn't need any acid to store an electrical charge ! Lucky my IM MK IV didn't leak too and no pink panties discoloration like the MK VI... maybe someone can figure out how to adapt SSD technology of data storage into power storage or miniaturize laptop batteries but I think the tech to do it would not be cost effective.
