Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weird Tales of the Third Reich!

Well, we've all heard all the weird stories surrounding Hitler's obsession with the Occult and Supernatural, heck, it's the game Spear of Destiny that actually made me realize it was based off an actual object and occurrence back in WW2! I mean, some things are hard to explain right? Germany WAS technologically ahead then with the earliest cruise missiles and jet engines when the rest of the world was using standard technology... Makes on wonder! :p


1 comment:

  1. Yep - Hitler took the ancient swastika symbol, inverted it and used it for the Nazi party logo. German engineering was way ahead of the allies - the Me269 and the Komet and V2. Maybe they struck a deal to share captured 'foo fighter' tech with the allies and maybe that's why they dropped Fat Boy and Slim Boy on Japan instead of Nazi Germany. Maybe that's why after the war alot of german scientists went over the the US. And just maybe there is some truth to the movie Iron Sky - after all it looks to be that there is after all some kind of alien base on the far side of the moon !
