Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Robocop?

Well, we know there's going to be a remake, but... what's wrong with the old robocop? The 80's version was a 'satire' on Corporate America, and the design of robocop back then was typical of American design; big, loud and in your face.
Hard to say now, but the new robocop is kinda.. wimpy, looks like something out of Deus Ex actually. New robo can apparently switch modes to suit the situation, the pic below is his 'SWAT' mode, whatever that does.

Well, the re-made Total Recall wasn't too good apparently. I hope they don't tarnish robo's name with this remake!

1 comment:

  1. Haha.. the so-called Robocop Reboot looks like a MGS Rising Reject ! nothing beats the original man.. even the new Total Recall was Total Crap... lol.. it's just not the same with Arnie's accent :P
