Friday, August 17, 2012

Being 36 - Part 2

Whew! Just got home and showered, suddenly thought of putting down into words what i remembered of my Grandad, and all the good memories. :)

My grandad was a quiet, unassuming man, he worked as a secretary back in the 50s-60s in the public sector in what is now M.O.E. My first memories of him was when i stayed with my grandparents over at Spottiswoode park in Tanjong Pagar... I remember every weekend Saturday night, he would routinely make his black coffee, and watch his Wuxia shows on SBC at 9pm ( TV channels didn't extend late into the night like nowadays ).

Some mornings he would bring me to drink coffee at a nearby coffeeshop.... i would drink out of the saucer of course! Then i'd gulp down the soft-boiled egg with that hehe. He'd bring me to the provision shop just downstairs called 'Robert's'. (It's still there! Although not the same look and owner) I'd pester him to buy me toys from there, and each time oblige and spoil me much to my mum's chagrin (What?!??! Toys again?!?!). He bought me these robot figs which i wanted (which i found out are Microman figures, the precursor to Transformers), Hehe, i'll attach the pics of what they look like in another post! Guess i know where my Toy collecting started from now. :)

*On another note, that shop sold other great stuff like Machine Robo (Gobots), Mospeada (Robotech) and other misc Japanese toys! What can't provision shops do that now?

As far as i could remember, my grandad was a heavy smoker, along with my grandma too; each time we visited them they'd have a stick in hand, with an ashtray by the side and start puffing away... so it was quite a surprise to all of us when about 10-15 years ago they just suddenly stopped smoking one day... all of us thought 'That's it, it's a sign that they're gonna go'... Of course that didn't happen but till now i wonder why they stopped so abruptly.

So Kong kong, thank you for all the good memories, and loving all your grandchildren with all your heart. Adieu and till we meet again!

1 comment:

  1. Heart warming buddy ! Kudos to your grand dad for introducing you to toy collecting lol :)I remember drinking beer with my grand dad when I was 6 lol... Well, your grand parents and those we love who have gone before us still live on in our memories !
