Saturday, September 12, 2015

WTH Disney

So found out recently that Disney has blocked the sale of Bandai Star Wars Products to countries outside of Japan.. that's really f'ed up i feel. I do believe a significant portion of sales do goes out of Japan, and that is a reason for Bandai to develop new kits for Star Wars in the first place.

There are some rumors that Revell had something to do with it but they say it ain't so :

Don't understand why when there's more opportunity for them to make more moolah. :(


  1. Disney is just another big corp trying to gain all the market share... Banksky's Dismal Land is a more accurate depiction I feel :P Bandai has been churning out really quality SW kits... even better than the Fine Molds ones IMHO !

  2. Yeah! The Bandai kits are surprisingly good! :) I wonder how Bandai will respond to this.. or if they will continue making new kits?
