Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hamley's Toy Shop

So a new Toy shop has opened at Plaza Sing! Its been a while since SG had a shop dedicated to selling toys only; i remember the good ol' days of Kids World and Inkids... Ahhhh....

Anyway, Hamley's is a UK based shop which used to be call Noah's Ark or something. Honestly the selection is pretty... Poor. The floor space is too small and the selection weak. There's no differentiator from other dept store toy sections seriously... Although it's interesting that they so sell some board game stuff. :p

Remains to be seen how they do, but at the moment they seem kinda out of touch with what kids want today and the selection of toys they have.


  1. I read about this UK toy shop opening in SG and was wondering why they want to open shop in SG which such fierce competition... was wondering what kind of selection they have there and true enough from your report they actually dont have much lol Oooh those Schleich dino/animal figs are nice but really ex lol Maybe we should make some custom toys with those Schleich ones and call them - wait for it - SCHLEICH RIDERS !!!

  2. Haha! That somehow sounds... obscene! Woohoo! :D
