Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weird dreams!

Ok, so maybe the room was too warm/cold or something, but had a dream last night, so better put it down before i forget!

So the dream starts off with me stranded in another country (which my brain says is the Philipines, cos the locals look that way), and i was wandering around wondering how i got there in the first place without any belonging or a passport even.

So as i was walking around, i bumped into my buddy, who was working there (Uh, why dude? :p) for
some reason... he gave me some advice to buy a local SIM card for my phone first, so off i went looking for a 7-11 or something, i came across a provision shop, and asked the shopkeeper if he sold the SIM cards. He showed me 3 cards of different values; 10, 20 and 1200, not sure what denomination, but the 1200 value one was worth $50 apparently so i bought that.

Off again i left, i remember walking a longggg way down a dirt track till i reached some housing estate, and i remember remarking to myself how it looked like a HDB estate.. and then i woke up...

So strange!


  1. Whoa ! Weird dream man ! Lol ! No way will I ever want to go to that country man - in dreams or in reality lol ! maybe must buy 4D with those numbers !

  2. Crapz! Din think of that! Yah, i go buy tomolo! :D
