Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A brief respite!

Pouring heavily now strangely! Thankfully the haze cleared up on Saturday afternoon, and the PSI's been about less than 100 since then. :p Man, I appreciate simple things like breathing (moderately) clean air, and going for walk's without having to wear a mask!


  1. Good that the haze has finally cleared.. however not sure about the indos cloud-seeding flights and causing hail in some parts of SG ! Its always the simple things man... this morning there was finally some sunlight.. just a little of it.. and i stood there getting as much warmth as I could after not having seen sun for weeks and weeks. The mornings its so fucking cold that I keep thinking of a nice hot plate of mee rebus ! Simple things...

  2. Seriously dude, think the weather going frackin crazy! Floods in Europe and US, bitter cold down under, haze in asia.... :p

    1. Yeah - something's gotta give the way we humans have been ravaging mother nature... everyone talks about climate change but no one does anything relevant... more worrying is the sink holes that have been appearing in various countries....
