Friday, January 11, 2013

Fond Memories...

Man, who can forget these places? Growing up mostly in Serangoon Gardens is one thing i'll always remember... a lot has changed since then, but the memories will always last.

Remember this stretch? Coffeeshop is still there at the corner! Truthfully this view has not changed much.. and that's good. :)

NIB man... always great to find cheap books to borrow and magazines to buy. :) Beside that about 2 shops to the left was Serangoon Garden bakery, which has since moved to the new market next to chomps... how i miss their chicken pie!

1 comment:

  1. Good old days buddy ! I'll never forget how chomp chomp used to be, how the food tasted so nice back then ! I'll never forget the old toy shop behind the stretch where the LAN game place is !
