Friday, April 20, 2012

Shanghai - Day 1

Day one in Shanghai! Here for  a work trip  to help the new office with their shifting. :) Staying at Pullman hotel, which is pretty close to the new office. Weather's nice and cool, like permanent airconditioning outside! A tee and a jacket were ok for the first day. Shanghai's pretty much modern and cosmopolitan like Singapore. One things for sure, the traffic heres about as bad, and the drivers honk their horns ALL the time! Oh, and cars have the unofficial right of way! ;p

1 comment:

  1. Hooah ! Boots on the ground in Shanghai ? Stay frosty and don't get "shanghai-ed" :) lol Yeah, weather's cold there and the traffic is a killer... early morning 5 am they start honking liao :P Take care buddy n have a great week ahead !
