Was down at CSC today for a weekly walkabout, i guess today being the eve of a public holiday, the place was more packed than usual.... but something struck me about that place.... the wise words of a Ben Kenobi came to mind "a wretched hive of scum and villainy".
Ok, not ALL of them are like that, but seriously, 80% probably are. A majority of the stall owners hark back from the Clarke Quay days; they were farked up then, they are still farked up. I see a lot of regulars trying to sell of crap to unsuspecting ppl at crazy prices. Seriously if you didn't do your homework before going there, you're going to get slaugthered by them.
I guess also it boils down to the type of culture the 'adult' collectors are breeding now, i seriously think the hobby will be a dead end unless they let the younger generation get their hands on some items, not to mention that the stocks of toys are controlled by a few shops, and the prices shoot WAY up for god knows what reason. Seriously, i do most of my shopping for toys online nowadays.
Yes, there are some good deals to be had there, some rare finds for sure. But this doesn't really happen too often now.
Case in point, my buddy's bro bought a Ninja Turtle accessory today (Donatello's Bo Stick), and the bugger sold it to him for $5... Can you believe it? WTF, it should only be sold at $2!
Well, after all this ranting, i know i'll still go there, if at most just to laugh at the pricings!