Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY 2011!

Ahhh, it's that time of year again, like the big guy just presses this reset button he has, and wipes a clean slate for the year... you know, i think time just consists of the same 365 days recycled, all we humans do is just to add up the numbers! :)

So, new year, new blog? Maybe a design change, looks a bit cooler. I can promise to update this blog as much as i can, but with new commitments, time is now even more precious! ;)

Well, what should this blog be about? As the title is and still is, it'll be a place for me to RANT about anything and everything under the sun! :D Hopefully i can have more interesting items to put up! :)

Once again, here's wishing all a bigger, brighter, happier, healthier and huat'er new year for 2011! :D

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year dude to you & your family ! Here's to 2011 man ! Onward ! :)
