Came across this on the intertubes, was never really interested in the mazda series of cars, with the exception of their RX-8 of course. Mazda cars have a reputation of being fuel guzzlers due to their heavy body weight vs. underpowered engines.
But the 2009/2010 Mazda 3 caught my eye; it's like they cross bred a rx-8/mazda 3sp/peugeot car to make this! Apparently they're using the engine of the Mazda 6....
But here's the kicker, it costs US$19,000 for a Sports version in the States.
It's launching this Saturday (25th April) in sillypore. My estimates? $70K for the no frills 1.6(A) version.
Thanks LTA/Laolee! I hope you all managed to buy your summer homes! :p
Yeah man, the current Mazda 3 looks really good, and it's the only sports sedan that actually looks good in any other colour... but a tad under-powered coupled with a heavy chasis. The sports version looks so much nicer lah :P heh.. quick fix solution - dump in a Mazda 6 engine into the 3... impressive ! :P