Thursday, January 29, 2015

Weird Dreams!

Ok, so i had a rather vivid dream i can still sorta remember.... must have been too cold or something last nite! Well, basically i had a dream i had a call up and went back for reservist... it was some old camp, but never say it before. Part of the dream had me on a C-130 even... well, or what passes for a C-130 in a dream anyway! I could actually 'feel' the acceleration when the plane pulled up.. cool. ;) Somehow i took along a box, with a brick attached.. and a telescope. Why? No idea! Darn dreams! And then... the dream sorta drifted off into really weird territory...  :P and i will stop here haha.


  1. Cool ! Not every night one dreams of riding in a Hercules ! Were you on a airborne-insert mission ? I still remember my dream many years ago, evading 'enemy' troops, hiding under bridges and the sky glowing orange lol Recently I also had a dream that I went back for reservist but everything was different... weird, maybe we both miss our reservist days !

  2. Haha, yeah man! I think subconsciously we miss those days hehe ;)
