Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sideshow 1/6 Imperial TIE fighter pilot

Awesomes. Sideshow is gonna be releasing the Imp pilot! The exclusive is going to come with that little gun the Kenner toy had... which he could never hold properly i remember! :p


  1. Makes for an awesome display ! I think SS has the gamut of SW figures already.. AT-AT driver ? Storm Trooper ? Sand Trooper ? Bosk ? Fett ? Too many liao :P They should come up with Jabba's dancer... Oohla or something... with light-up norkens and a base that plays the Cantina song everytime a button is pressed !

  2. But wow, too darned ex. Falc's is preordering this for 320... wth, its almost as expensive as the diecast iron man figs. :p
