Monday, January 12, 2015


Oh gawd... It's monday again? didn't even get to enjoy the weekend much haha! Mostly playing GTA V (still, the story is getting interesting) and iNfamous First Light (A freebie game for PSPlus users). Haven't played GZeroes for a bit; it's tough man those extra missions! :p


  1. Gosh the weekend came and went fast... hardly had time to game other than to play a little COD Ghosts TDM and Extinction Co-Op :P Was playing GZ a little (dying to try the First Person mod though) and it's really good for a demo lol I don't get why Chico has to plug the 3.5mm audio jack for this Walkman into his chest ?? That's gotta hurt ! Love calling in the chopper and just sneaking around... pretty cool what Kojima has done. Haven't rescued Paz yet though !

  2. Oh man, you heard the theory that Chico IS Quiet? Wahahaa.. that's really weird! :D

  3. Whaaaa ? LOL ! That's.. scary ! :P Can't be unless the events that take place in MGS V is a few years after GZ ? :P Won't be getting the Quiet Playarts figure for sure now !
