Ok, Yes, COD Ghosts sucks. The guy they're trying to push as the main baddy doesn't even look threatening, just looks like some old American guy... gosh, most boring villain ever.
And the ending.... OMG... even MW2's ending wasn't so bad. BLOPS2 even had better writing.... well it leaves a door open for a sequel definitely. So Ghosts 2 will let you what, control 2 dogs? And the dog thing is overrated.. what you see in those trailers is about how much you'll interact with the dog in the game. I really wonder how some websites review their games nowadays... most probably paid off by the developers.
Bleah. I think COD for me was at it's peak at the first MW.... even BLOPS was cheesy fun. Everything after that is just a generic shooter.
6/10.. just for some generic shooter on rails parts which were ok. I'm being pretty generous here!