Morpheus? Interesting name for a headset. God of dreams or black dude from Matrix? Hehe. It'd be interesting to see how this goes, Sony has the hardware expertise, but Occulus Rift has the software behind their own VR set, and it's been more thoroughly tested by devs.
Still Eve Online Valkyrie is coming out for it! That's cool. :) Full story here.

Still Eve Online Valkyrie is coming out for it! That's cool. :) Full story here.
Sony got balls to come up with their own VR headset going up against Occulus Rift... wonder how it will pan out though... so with this thingy, there isn't a need for a TV to play games ? Lol. Interesting to see what other games are gonna be compatible... imagine Ace Combat VR or God of War VR integrated with 2 Move controllers to act as his blades ! Damn.. if only they will make some Motion Gravure VR games as well ! :P