Wednesday, March 26, 2014

BF4 Naval Strike Delayed & other things...

Wasn't unexpected, seeing their crappy track record of atrocious/non-existant QA testing. WTF really, announcing this just before the game is coming out? Man, all the gold packs they give won't win back the trust of the players. So fail.

In other news, i totally lost interest in the Occulus Rift, seeing how Facebook is going to buy them. It's like... it's tainted by an evil touch. Sad. Well, at least there's the PS4 headset to look forward to!


  1. I think Facebook is hell-bent on taking over the world.. they're like freakin Skynet I tell you ! Buying up robotics and AI companies ? Now Occulus ? They're driver-less car prototype was probably a test case for land-based AI controlled drones and they're Google Glass is probably the motherload of surveilance.. perhaps it's true that FB is just a front for the CIA/NSA. They bought Whatsapp.. maybe next they will buy Apple. Man - I'm not even going to play BF4 anymore man... lame and disappointing.

  2. What's BF4? Haha! Yeah, it's really a depressing experience now. :(
