Friday, January 17, 2014


Oh man, it's another Friday already! CNY is 2 weeks away.... scary! Man, weather's been crazy around the world, It's freezing in US, burning in Australia and here in SG it's been kinda windy and cold too... went down to 27 in the room last night according to my dry cabinet. Brrrrr! Maybe the after effects of the polar vortex brushing by asia?
Anywayz, popped in for a few games of BF4 last night. It seems the Jan 13 patch didn't really fix the in-game problems (although thankfully the game has stopped crashing on me or giving me directx errors touchwood). It may have exacerbated the problem though; the game doesn't seem 'smooth' now, there's this slight 'lag' there, and it's not a framerate thing. Hard to explain, but those who play will know. This leads to a lot of sudden and unexplained kills by the enemy.
You can be around a corner or doorway or in cover, and suddenly you just get killed by someone who haven't even had a chance to see... oh gawd. And now you get 0 health trade kills instead of 1 health kills... nope they didn't fix it.
Well, they published a message last night that they were rolling out a minor 'fix' to the servers last night, and there may be intermittent connection issues.. this morning, they replaced that with another message on spawn issues and that they broke punkbuster... woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ! They tried to fix one thing but broke something else.. aint that the case with EA all the time ! Yeah - its just annoying getting shot through walls and from behind cover.. thats because when you take cover on your screen you are behind cover but from the enemy's view you are just about to take cover and thus get shot... bad netcode/tickrate... plus all the hacks.. least to say a very frustrating gaming experience.. rarely do I ever get a game where i enjoyed it. BF3 was so much better. At least it was stable. I think all this issues came about because of the whole idea of Levolution and DICE had to build everything from scratch and they wanted to push the game out before COD Ghosts.
