Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Blues!

Ah Monday already? Oh gawd, how fast the weekend goes by! Still, at least it was spent fruitfully, was packing up the Christmas stuff (tree is still there though :p), and doing some spring cleaning in the room.... man, I tell you, the amount of dust that just collects, what a nightmare!
And talking about dust, also yanked out the PC for some cleaning, darn, those filters actually work! The interior didn't have much dust as I remembered my other previous PC's having. So just some light brushing of the interior and good as new!

1 comment:

  1. Lol I think the world in general is getting more and more dustier as the years go by... its all the industrial pollutants in our atmosphere I tell u... over here it's dusty as hell.. have to keep dusting and with my OCD it's even worse lol Cleaned my Goliathus mouse mat this morning too lol
