Thursday, December 10, 2015

The State of Games

Came across an article on Kotaku that was kinda interesting, and made me realise that hey, more and more games are becoming Multiplayer only; case in point recent releases like Rainbow Six Siege and Star Wars Battlefront.

There was a time not too long ago when having a campaign mode was the norm, with the MP portion tagged on as a bonus. Seems that role has kinda switched around these days. I'd probably guess this has to do with profit and cost; it's takes a lot of resources to make a campaign, whereas to the big game companies MP is like a gift that keeps giving; DLC, season passes, pay to win/skin. :p

Now this won't be so bad if we didn't have to pay the full price for a MULTIPLAYER ONLY game! It seems like we're being cheated when the universe some of these games are built on are so rich in lore, yet they can't be bothered to make a campaign/story from that.

Well, as i read online, they can always sell the camapaign mode to us as DLC. :p $$$

1 comment:

  1. Yeah totally agree... the studios are just pandering to market demand now with 90% focus on MP and SP is only an after thought.... $$$$ talks man. Gone are the good old games where the SP storyline was rich and really engaged the player. Giving R6 Siege a big miss cos' it ain't like the classic and probably never gonna touch Battlefront lol
