Monday, November 24, 2014


So we're into the last stretch of November! Oh man, that was fast, so it's 5 weeks to X'mas? Hehe.

Been playing a bit of COD:Advanced Warfare, gotta say, the graphics are awesome, and the futuristic setting doesn't take away from the gameplay itself unlike lessayyy... BLOPS2? I think the military technology used in the game is a pretty good expectation of where current technology will be in maybe 20-30 years?

Plot wise i think it's easily figured out how things will go within the first few missions.... i think i'm midway through the game... but enjoying it so far!

In other news! I think BF4 final stand is out! Haven't touched that in ages though, not sure how long the last expansion will take to install. :p 

1 comment:

  1. This time around it's done by Sledgehammer Studios ? Never heard of them until COD AW... Guess if it was done by Treyarch it won't be as good lol Apparently you can unlock Zombies in Exo Survival mode... damn this game looks good.. thought I'd never say that about a COD game ! Check out this IGN video ( You said it brother - this year just went by just like that ! BF4 ? Gosh I've not played it in over 4 or 5 months ! It's just sad that the franchise is slowly dying.. good idea, poor execution on EA's part.... a lot of ppl are spending less time playing it cos it's too damn grindy.
