Saturday, September 13, 2014

BF4 Last Stand

Aptly named! So they've released a few trailers for BF4's final dlc... Wonder why they made the decision to include some futuristic elements in it? Honestly, have not touched the game in months, so i do not know how much its 'improved'. A little too late i guess? I think most people have already moved on.


  1. Ya man - haven't played BF4 in ages ! Why does EA even bother lol.. no one is even interested in BF Hardline... I think the devs are trying to reinvent BF by having elements from BF 2128 or something.. remember there was one BF that was set in the future ? with walkers ?

  2. Man, i think that was one BF i never touched, that futuristic one? BF 2140? Or something like that! :p
