Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BF4 update

Wellllll... looks like they've updated Blog to reflect the items from 2nd Assault... Guess it's incoming? At least now you can see the assignments in Blog. :p

"We are updating Battlelog on the web today, and will be rolling out the mobile update in the coming days. Details on the mobile app update to follow later.

- When you use the Battlelog mobile or tablet app after this update, you will be presented with a EULA acceptance screen that we legally have to present to users of the app. Please read and accept the EULA to continue using the app.
- Second Assault content is now available on Battlelog to match the in-game experience. News on Second Assault will follow soon.

- Improved categorization of Dog Tags so they are better structured
- Better error message when trying to access BattleScreen on a server that has it disabled
- You can now see the number of Mission invites, and if none, number of Active Missions on Home in the Missions box
- You can now see the available keyboard controls on the Emblem Editor page
- Tweaks to the Suggestions algorithm to ensure that Battlepacks work better in the system
- Various minor tweaks and improvements

- Fixed an issue with duplicate servers sometimes appearing in the Server Browser
- Added missing Battlelog soldier portraits that were handed out in Battlepacks
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't equip campaign dog tags in the mobile app
- Best Class in Battle Reports are now showed as N/A if you got no kit score
- The report button for individual players in Battle Reports now shows up correctly in Firefox
- Fixed an issue in the opened Battlepack popup, where items would sometimes not be rendered in order
- Fixed an issue where you sometimes couldn't manually track Suggestions, when viewing them in the Stats pages
- Premium Calendar now show end dates for events, where applicable
- Fixed an issue with BattleScreen that made it not load when using it for Xbox One
- Fixed an issue with friends not always being shown in the "Playing Battlefield 4" category when actually playing in the in-game Battlelog on PS4 and XB1
- Various display issues fixed and improved with the in-game Battlelog on PC, XB1 and PS4
- Various minor fixes "

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.. looks like all of the fixes are Battlelog related... what about the in-game bugs ? Like the punkbuster one where I get kicked immediately after joining a server even though punkbuster is set to allowed in my Windows Firewall and running in Services.. or the 0 health bug or the one where your player sprite/graphic is missing and your gun is just floating in the air... they keep saying DICE is working on the issues but so far only the sound bug thing was fixed.. and that was introduced after a patch.
