This shipped over just this week finally! It's the re-issue of course, the original 25F was release about a year and a half to 2 years ago? There was a crazy clamour for it online, especially since Bandai didn't actually make many to go around. Thankfully subsequent versions has sufficient numbers to go around.... so too bad scalpers!

The VF-25F is pretty much a GRRREEATTT improvement over the first version that Bandai released. The toy now pretty much follows the lineart, and the transformation is well thought out and designed... no crazy frustrations over misfitting joints etc!
Also looks great in all 3 modes! Well, Bandai's definitely milking the mould for all it's worth, wonder when they'll release the Super and Armored packs for this again! :)
Very nice dude ! over here can't find any shop selling such toys !