Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good guys wear black?

No matter how cool starcom's vehicles were, one area it was extremely weak in was character development; i guess that's where the Cartoon series tried to fix, but it was too little too late, and it flopped it the USofA.

The figures for starcom generally ALL looks the same! differences are mainly cosmetic on the suit and helmet. Perhaps the size of the figures restricted how much customization options there were for the mold.

I think some toy series succeeded very well in this aspect, M.A.S.K immediately comes to mind! Just mention Matt Trakker, Miles Mayhem, Dusty Hayes and Gloria Baker, people will immediately recognize those to be from that series! ( others being He-man, Transformers, GIJoe etc.).

The good guys for starom had such generic names, i'm even having problems remembering them now as i'm typing! :P At least the bad guys had robot drones!

For Starcom, there was an exclusive mail-away figure for the bad guys, Emperor Dark himself! (Cue evil Laughter). Nothing outstanding about it; could at least have given him a throne with power deploy features or something. :p

1 comment:

  1. Cool ! Emporer duck ! er.. I mean Dark ! Always wondered why he looked like he was wearing lipstick in the cartoon ! :P
