Another 10 mins till the year ends, in the blink of an eye, another 365 days have passed.
2011 wasn't the best of years for a lot of people i am sure. So here's wishing all a prosperous, happy and healthy 2012! :) Cheers!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Cobra Viper

Hats off to those who do 1/6 figs full time, they have the patience of saints. I almost died trying to string all the gear together for this fellow
There are two Assault rifles supplied; the Magpul Masada ( or Bushmaster ACR as it's now known) and the Viper assault rifle... which is the larger version of the rifle that came with the original 3 1/4" fig! Strangely no sidearm, have to go source for that.
Friday, December 30, 2011
World Champion...
.. Wanker? Oh gawd didn't know there was such a thing. Haha, gotta see the video to believe!
Click on THIS!
But seriously, his GF is quite a looker, so his and her comments are kinda sad actually!
Click on THIS!
But seriously, his GF is quite a looker, so his and her comments are kinda sad actually!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas eve!
(Gahh! Late post, stoopid blogger mobile didn't post this :( )
Been a busy day, with wifey's relatives coming over to celebrate her birthday in the afternoon, then heading over to my sis's place in the evening. :)
Been a busy day, with wifey's relatives coming over to celebrate her birthday in the afternoon, then heading over to my sis's place in the evening. :)
Happy Boxing Day!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Xmas!
That time of year again! Even though it's like, kinda wet weather these few days. Guess that's our "snow" in this part of the world!
Here'e wishing all a great X'mas day! May you get many many presents, all of which are great! :) Cheers! :D
Here'e wishing all a great X'mas day! May you get many many presents, all of which are great! :) Cheers! :D
Thursday, December 22, 2011
3 more days!
Again time moves forward relentlessly, reminding us, MOCKING us with every passing second. There's never enough of time, and we don't treasure it till it stops...
Well, just 3 more days to go! At least i'll be on leave till the new year begins. STILL hoping next year will be better!
Here's something for LOTR fans to look forward to, Tolkien's THE HOBBIT will finally be hitting the silver screens next Dec. Lots of familiar faces, should be good! :)
Well, just 3 more days to go! At least i'll be on leave till the new year begins. STILL hoping next year will be better!
Here's something for LOTR fans to look forward to, Tolkien's THE HOBBIT will finally be hitting the silver screens next Dec. Lots of familiar faces, should be good! :)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Days to go - 6 more!
Been raining the whole day! Since morning too, darn, good weather to sleep!
Well, the great leader KJI decided to bite the dust on some train in DPRK today, wonder what really happened! :p
Well, the great leader KJI decided to bite the dust on some train in DPRK today, wonder what really happened! :p
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Counting down - 8 days!
Weather's getting cooler; been raining in the afternoon again, went town for a bit for some last minute shopping, now mostly done! :)
Seems like next years movies will be interesting, here's another WWII flick to catch called Saints and Soldiers : Airborne Creed. Heck the font looks like EA's MOH : Airborne too. :p Another to catch is of course Act of Valor. Wondering if the REALLY used active navy seals as they claim!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Jab Day!
Last jab till 6! Doctor tried to convince us to take some measle injection because of some revised rule.... No thanks doc!
Nurse gave the snowman below to jou to bribe him to stay still! :p
Nurse gave the snowman below to jou to bribe him to stay still! :p
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Countdown : 11 days
Another 11 days to go before X'mas, then in comes the New Year after that! For me it's another 4 more days of work; will be on leave this Friday to bring the boy for his last jab this year!
Kinda scary seeing so many people scuttling around this year getting presents. Can never seem to find the right gift. Now that borders is closed, there's this dearth of 365 day calendars! Even Kino doesn't have them, so it kinda sucks. :p
Well, it's the thought that counts right? :)
Kinda scary seeing so many people scuttling around this year getting presents. Can never seem to find the right gift. Now that borders is closed, there's this dearth of 365 day calendars! Even Kino doesn't have them, so it kinda sucks. :p
Well, it's the thought that counts right? :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Yo Joe!

Ok, the ROCK is in this movie, but still, here's hoping he doesn't suddenly pull off a PEOPLE'S ELBOW on some poor unsuspecting Cobra Trooper! :p
Catch the trailer here.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
What? Weekend gone again?
Time sure flies man, was raining early this morning, so quite 'shiok' to sleep in. Kinda sucks that we're on the edge of the beginning of another week; never seems to be enough time!
Here's hoping that tomorrow, most people will be on leave for the Holidays! :)
Here's hoping that tomorrow, most people will be on leave for the Holidays! :)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Getting into the mood...

Not too bad this year, at least it is kinda bright! Packed as usual along the walkways, tons of people taking photos and doing their shopping.
When we reached 313, we noticed like a ton of people staring into the sky, when i look up, i noticed the moon was 'eaten up'; didn't pay much heed to it until i was told later that there was actually an eclipse!
Well hope it's not a portent for anything bad; anyway here's hoping to a better 2011, we've been having too much bad things!
Just a coupla more pics! :)

Friday, December 9, 2011
Sleepy sleepy!
Gosh, said i'll try to post each day in Dec, but more often than not, i fall asleep after putting the baby to sleep! By the time i wake up it's 1+ to 2am in the morning... :( So i just go back to bed anyway.
Well, just coupla more days to X'mas and then the end of the year. Ah.... 2011, you will not be missed! :p
Well, just coupla more days to X'mas and then the end of the year. Ah.... 2011, you will not be missed! :p
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Call of Duty : MW3
Completed the lastest installment of the COD series, which nicely ties up all lost ends from the previous installments. This time round, the storyline had a better pacing, and didn't feel too stretched out and boring like MW2!
But really, the game was really too short? I think i spent more time in the SP mode for BF3! But definately had more fun with the storyline this time round, as cliched as it may be!
Didn't really spend too much time with MP mode, but after playing so much BF3 MP, it felt REALLY different! You can tell the framerate is very high for MP and even evident in the SP mode. :p Prob getting old haha! Reflexes ain't what they used to be!
But really, the game was really too short? I think i spent more time in the SP mode for BF3! But definately had more fun with the storyline this time round, as cliched as it may be!
Didn't really spend too much time with MP mode, but after playing so much BF3 MP, it felt REALLY different! You can tell the framerate is very high for MP and even evident in the SP mode. :p Prob getting old haha! Reflexes ain't what they used to be!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Setting up!
Finally found my X'mas lights, the filament type and not the LED ones; i think in a few short years, the filament ones will be fully phased out. By my kids generation, i think they'll all be LED.
Well, my tree now has 280 lights. Surprisingly it's just nice. :) Only thing is that the lights don't sorta 'sync' in their glowing! :p
Well, my tree now has 280 lights. Surprisingly it's just nice. :) Only thing is that the lights don't sorta 'sync' in their glowing! :p
Friday, December 2, 2011
Posts for the Last Month of the Year!

Anyway, it's finally here, as we count down the last 23 days to X'mas, as i've said before, time flies! But super fast this year, it's like father time can't wait to get over this year also. :p
Check out this site! -
Be cool to visit it one day! The level of detail is mind boggling! Remember to check out the promo video on the site. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Haha, i like this! They are purported to be the missing 2nd or 11th chapter of the 1st founding, but of course none of this is Canon! Still, nice to have SPEHS MAREENSSS! without some form of control! Your know what their Battle Barges are called? "Litany of Litany's Litany" and "MAXIMUM FUCK", How more awesome can it get?
An Exerpt :
"The aspiring Champion of Khorne called out to the Angry Marines before him just as they prepared to charge his host of daemons and World Eaters.
"Can you not see the similarities between your battle prowess and ours? Khorne fills you with his wrath in battle, but you do not take time even to notice. Join us, and together we can destroy all within our path! Sink deeper into your anger with the full blessings of the Blood God!"
The assembled Angry Marines took pause, and considered the words of the World Eater Champion. Chaplain Brusiarch then stepped from the front ranks of the Angry Marines' line, turned, and backhanded the closest Angry Marine. The yellow-clad Battle-Brothers then turned their gaze to meet his.
Brusiarch gestured towards the aspiring Champion of Chaos, pointing to the bolt pistol that the Champion wielded in his left hand. The Chaplain shouted to his brother Marines, "YOU DON'T LISTEN TO FAGGOTS, YOU COCKSICKLES, YOU FUCKING KILL THEM!!!"
The previously backhanded Space Marine then stood up, his faceplate shattered from the force of the blow, and shouted the battle cry of the Angry Marines, "ALWAYS ANGRY!!! ALL THE TIME!!!"
The Angry Marines then realized their folly at listening -- even if only for a moment -- to an insufferable faggot. He dared consider himself as angry as they were but armed himself not with a second chainsword or power fist, but a pussified bolt pistol??
The next few seconds witnessed the roar of Cocknocker jump packs, the whoosh of battle brothers being launched at the daemonic host from the Predator Angrinator's, and Brother Chaplain Brusiarch's battle cry of "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-," as he charged the World Eaters' line.
Chaos was fucked."
Read more here!
An Exerpt :
"The aspiring Champion of Khorne called out to the Angry Marines before him just as they prepared to charge his host of daemons and World Eaters.
"Can you not see the similarities between your battle prowess and ours? Khorne fills you with his wrath in battle, but you do not take time even to notice. Join us, and together we can destroy all within our path! Sink deeper into your anger with the full blessings of the Blood God!"
The assembled Angry Marines took pause, and considered the words of the World Eater Champion. Chaplain Brusiarch then stepped from the front ranks of the Angry Marines' line, turned, and backhanded the closest Angry Marine. The yellow-clad Battle-Brothers then turned their gaze to meet his.
Brusiarch gestured towards the aspiring Champion of Chaos, pointing to the bolt pistol that the Champion wielded in his left hand. The Chaplain shouted to his brother Marines, "YOU DON'T LISTEN TO FAGGOTS, YOU COCKSICKLES, YOU FUCKING KILL THEM!!!"
The previously backhanded Space Marine then stood up, his faceplate shattered from the force of the blow, and shouted the battle cry of the Angry Marines, "ALWAYS ANGRY!!! ALL THE TIME!!!"
The Angry Marines then realized their folly at listening -- even if only for a moment -- to an insufferable faggot. He dared consider himself as angry as they were but armed himself not with a second chainsword or power fist, but a pussified bolt pistol??
The next few seconds witnessed the roar of Cocknocker jump packs, the whoosh of battle brothers being launched at the daemonic host from the Predator Angrinator's, and Brother Chaplain Brusiarch's battle cry of "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-," as he charged the World Eaters' line.
Chaos was fucked."
Read more here!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
It's that time of year!
Gosh, kinda realised it's been almost a week since i last posted. Been too engrossed in this game called Battlefield 3, admittedly, i was about to get rid of it, as i felt that the SP portion of the game sucked.... but then i tried playing the MP portion, and man, this was where all the fun was at, although it's starting to get repetitive now! :p Still fun tho'
Way too many games released recently, well, was in camp for 2 weeks, and it was killer reading about all the new releases out there! Haven't even started on Batman and ICO collection yet, and there's still Uncharted 3 to get! Frack! :p
Picked up the collector's ed of Deus Ex : Human revolution too; there's supposed to be an Adam Jensen figure inside, but have yet to see it. The game is supposed to be good.. until it gets to the boss bits. :p
Ace Combat Assault Horizon.... haiz, such a letdown. :( Not the Ace Combat i like. The graphics are good and all, soundtrack.. ok so far, with some heavy metal bits thrown in... but this DFM thing, i understand about making the genre more accessible, but having everything so scripted and restricting does not make the game fun. Having played the game since AC2, and the PSP iterations, this does NOT qualify as a combat/flight simulation at all. Definately shooter on rails with some God Of War QT events. Seriously Bandai/Namco, WTF? >:(
On a last note, weather's been crazy, mostly rainy. Was pouring whole of last night too. Tonight is kinda warm again. Hopefully it gets cooler as we go into December! :D

Picked up the collector's ed of Deus Ex : Human revolution too; there's supposed to be an Adam Jensen figure inside, but have yet to see it. The game is supposed to be good.. until it gets to the boss bits. :p

On a last note, weather's been crazy, mostly rainy. Was pouring whole of last night too. Tonight is kinda warm again. Hopefully it gets cooler as we go into December! :D
Monday, October 31, 2011
10th ICT Day 8 & 9
Woke up late on day 8, cos we slept reallll late the night before... there was nothing much for us to do really, the main event of the day was the MR "Dinner" in the night. So much so we were called to clean the company's SAR21's just to kill time. In between the visits to Emart and the Canteen, it was soon after lunch, which was followed by the normal NSman survey thing, and also the presentation of certificates of appreciation to those who had MR'ed.
The performance in the nite for the MR "dinner" ( It was actually more like finger food, and there wasn't enough to go around, sad ), was by MDC.... man, they actually DO have some hot chicks wearing too short skirts on top of the usual ahguas. Singapore Idle Sezari Sezali was there to sing emo songs too... most got bored by this, and left for the mess.
The last day was a blur of things, as it was only half a day, and the RSM wanted to outpro us by 1.30pm. There was IPPT that morning (amazing, seeing how in my 10 year cycle i've NEVER seen IPPT conducted on the last day!), and i got up early just to soak in the last few hours of camp.
It was a bittersweet feeling waiting to be outpro'ed; thinking how you'd never experience the quiet of the bunk and the corridors, the smell of cigarette's wafting into the bunk. You feel a bit sentimental after having spent the last good portion of your life with these same few people. Many of us have dropped out, but the core group is always there for each other, cheering each other on in the dreary confines of the camp.
Will i miss ICT? I'd say for certain reasons yes. :) There cameraderie will always be there for those of us who toiled in the mud, rain and sun of Simpang.
10 Year Service Medal

After serving 10 years of in camp training (7 High key is compulsory with 10 years in total), this is what you get; a limited edition HAMILTON watch with the SAF logo on the watchface. A medal and a lapel pin... your rank and name will also be etched on the back of the watch and medal...
Huh, best thing was S1 screwed up my astep, apparently i was supposed to be in C Coy, but i've been serving D Coy all this time... well, that's the SAF for you!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Games and storytelling
What makes a good/compelling story that would want you to actually play through the single player portion of a game? The trend recently seems to be games being about 5-8 hrs long for the SP portion of the game. Couple of games played recently had me thinking about this.
Most recent would of course be Battlefield 3; whereas the previous versions had a relatively interesting SP portion, the SP campaign for BF3 seemed to be tagged on to the Multiplayer portion of the game. Every other clichè used in other games also are present here, flashforwards, jumping in different characters shoes, plot twists etc.... PLUS making a game more difficult does NOT mean making the AI snipers! Shame on you lazy programmers. Not to mention infinite spawning enemies, and portions of the game where you can't advance unless your squad mates go ahead first. (how nice of them to remind you about this during the loading screen).
On the other hand, you have a game like Gears of War 3 (should have been called 'Emo steroid warriors with big guns 3'), granted this universe has very rich/deep storyline, there must be a line drawn before everything gets too convoluted; seriously i'm playing it now just to get it over with.
It's not that the graphics are not good, although the gameplay mechanics are a bit tiresome already. It's just that the gameplay is too linear, and adding in the dearth of fetch this and fetch that missions, plus a dragggggyyy story, the whole game seems so much longer than it should be.
So what makes a good game? I believe one that gives you a sense of deep satisfaction when you complete it, and which you'd care to go back to replay it all over again.
Most recent would of course be Battlefield 3; whereas the previous versions had a relatively interesting SP portion, the SP campaign for BF3 seemed to be tagged on to the Multiplayer portion of the game. Every other clichè used in other games also are present here, flashforwards, jumping in different characters shoes, plot twists etc.... PLUS making a game more difficult does NOT mean making the AI snipers! Shame on you lazy programmers. Not to mention infinite spawning enemies, and portions of the game where you can't advance unless your squad mates go ahead first. (how nice of them to remind you about this during the loading screen).
On the other hand, you have a game like Gears of War 3 (should have been called 'Emo steroid warriors with big guns 3'), granted this universe has very rich/deep storyline, there must be a line drawn before everything gets too convoluted; seriously i'm playing it now just to get it over with.
It's not that the graphics are not good, although the gameplay mechanics are a bit tiresome already. It's just that the gameplay is too linear, and adding in the dearth of fetch this and fetch that missions, plus a dragggggyyy story, the whole game seems so much longer than it should be.
So what makes a good game? I believe one that gives you a sense of deep satisfaction when you complete it, and which you'd care to go back to replay it all over again.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
10th ICT Day 7
The 10km route march was to commence at 8pm in the nite, we were to leave camp at 6pm and reach Simpang by 7pm; not too great an idea, since it was at peak traffic period AND it was raining cats and dogs!
We got there slightly after 7pm, and got into order for a 'rehersal' for the stand down parade that was to occur after the march. It was still drizzling pretty heavy, so we were all standing in the rain, getting soaking wet even before the darn march started. :p
Once we went off though, the pace was not too bad. Worse thing about the whole affair was that the terrain kinda sucked; walking on gravel and mud when it's raining ain't fun. Luckily there were breaks every 2.5km walked. It kinda brought back memories trudging in the dead of the nite through simpang. I can remember VERY well the few times we were there doing defense excercises. No fun!
Definately a sigh of relief for the last few clicks; feet were beginning to kill me, and super uncomfortable from the wet uniform. After a break waiting for the other companies to come back ( D Coy led the way! ), we had the 'symbolic' ceremony for the unit to stand down. It was "Survivor" like as the CO put out a tiki-torch flame (The tribe has spoken!) after which our OC had the presence of mind the get us out of there ASAP rather than stay back for 'light refreshments'.
By time we got back to camp, it was almost 1am. There we sat in the loading bay cleaning our drenched SAR21's while other platoon's sent in their arms and went back to the comfort of their bunks... some things don't change after 10 years...
Anyway, after all that hoohah, we were back up in bunk and clean by 2am... we actually ordered Macs... supposed to come in a 3am but it came in at 4am... what can i say? :P
We got there slightly after 7pm, and got into order for a 'rehersal' for the stand down parade that was to occur after the march. It was still drizzling pretty heavy, so we were all standing in the rain, getting soaking wet even before the darn march started. :p
Once we went off though, the pace was not too bad. Worse thing about the whole affair was that the terrain kinda sucked; walking on gravel and mud when it's raining ain't fun. Luckily there were breaks every 2.5km walked. It kinda brought back memories trudging in the dead of the nite through simpang. I can remember VERY well the few times we were there doing defense excercises. No fun!
Definately a sigh of relief for the last few clicks; feet were beginning to kill me, and super uncomfortable from the wet uniform. After a break waiting for the other companies to come back ( D Coy led the way! ), we had the 'symbolic' ceremony for the unit to stand down. It was "Survivor" like as the CO put out a tiki-torch flame (The tribe has spoken!) after which our OC had the presence of mind the get us out of there ASAP rather than stay back for 'light refreshments'.
By time we got back to camp, it was almost 1am. There we sat in the loading bay cleaning our drenched SAR21's while other platoon's sent in their arms and went back to the comfort of their bunks... some things don't change after 10 years...
Anyway, after all that hoohah, we were back up in bunk and clean by 2am... we actually ordered Macs... supposed to come in a 3am but it came in at 4am... what can i say? :P
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
10th ICT Day 6
First task of the day was a Bn group photo by a Lobo SP coy poseur with a Canon DSLR with L Lens.... shiok man, i want his vocation. :p After was a Matador TH session followed by some BM and lunch. Think i was pretty hungry as i ate most of the chicken rice they served in the cookhouse. :P
Afternoon was spent in the audit for the perviously cancelled safety briefing, after which was the usual NSMAN Feedback session... at least now they're using the clickers to get feedback instead of the pencil/form method!
Lunch was early cos most of the Bn was let off for nite's off today; gonna book in tomolo morning!
Afternoon was spent in the audit for the perviously cancelled safety briefing, after which was the usual NSMAN Feedback session... at least now they're using the clickers to get feedback instead of the pencil/form method!
Lunch was early cos most of the Bn was let off for nite's off today; gonna book in tomolo morning!
10th ICT Day 5
Day 5 started with a PT session conducted for the Bn by the Div Comd; he just took office in Feb, and seems quite a nice guy, but also quite siao on about fitness! He led us through a relaxed regimen of excercises... own pace, but a LOT to do.. definately worse than RT. Ended with Buddha claps too. :P (Body still aches)
Afternoon was supposed to be a Cohesion program, but they cancelled it for some reason? So it was BM until lunch.... then the briefing in the afternoon was cancelled too... so more BM! :p Can't complain there. It go Sooooo monotonous that we drew arms to clean just for the heck of it! Then it was nites off again (Oh, lunch and dinner were pretty good, western for both). Booked out for nites off and took a ride to tfh where i met my buddy for a quick powwow. For some reason, last nite was as hot as sin, so kept tossing and turning!
Afternoon was supposed to be a Cohesion program, but they cancelled it for some reason? So it was BM until lunch.... then the briefing in the afternoon was cancelled too... so more BM! :p Can't complain there. It go Sooooo monotonous that we drew arms to clean just for the heck of it! Then it was nites off again (Oh, lunch and dinner were pretty good, western for both). Booked out for nites off and took a ride to tfh where i met my buddy for a quick powwow. For some reason, last nite was as hot as sin, so kept tossing and turning!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
10th ICT Day 4
Saturday was IPPT day for D Coy; didn't take anyway cos have not cleared my FFI yet! So was kinda lazing around till about 10am when there was a CnS briefing... nothing much and i think the trainers know we're like, kinda not interested. :p
Anyway, the highlight of the day was the SAR21 Fam shoot in the afternoon. Only 7 details and 2 mags, so was not too bad. Shoot was at Nee Soon Range and weather was hot as sin! Well, better smell the cordite while i can, don't think have many other chances anymore. Other than 1 REALLY bobo shooter, it went pretty smoothly, we left before the other company there, and everyone was dashing out of the place to the buses waiting for us.
Anyway, the highlight of the day was the SAR21 Fam shoot in the afternoon. Only 7 details and 2 mags, so was not too bad. Shoot was at Nee Soon Range and weather was hot as sin! Well, better smell the cordite while i can, don't think have many other chances anymore. Other than 1 REALLY bobo shooter, it went pretty smoothly, we left before the other company there, and everyone was dashing out of the place to the buses waiting for us.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Ghosts of Razgriz

Got this package today in the mail, nice to recieve this after coming back from camp! It's the Razgriz Air Command Patch, more commonly known as "The Ghosts of Razgriz". It's from the game Ace Combat 5 (which i daresay is my favorite game on the PS2) by Namco.

There's also the book "A Blue Dove for the Princess" which is the story behind the legend of Razgriz. It's also Nagase's favorite book and some parts are read in the game if i remember correctly. :)
Pretty cool stuff! Now Namco/Bandai, could you please release the HD version of AC5 please? :p
Pretty cool stuff! Now Namco/Bandai, could you please release the HD version of AC5 please? :p
Friday, October 14, 2011
10th ICT Day 3
Had a route march today! Steam to wake up to one early in the morning, not too bad but my feet were killing me! After that was BM, then lunch (not too bad), and a 10 min Buddy Aid Lesson. :P
After that was soccer, dinner and that's it! Tomorrow we'll be at the range, then book out lor! :D
After that was soccer, dinner and that's it! Tomorrow we'll be at the range, then book out lor! :D
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Avengers Assemble!

Catch the awesome new trailer for Avengers HERE! Looks good, but don't want to keep my hopes too high! :D
10th ICT Day 2
OMG it's so much better to be doing this at a PROPER PC... darn the rules on no camera phones otherwise i could bring im my iPhone!
Anyway, went early this morning to Pasir Labar camp for IGTS and IMT, which like, only took half a day to complete although the program says its for the whole day! Surprisingly they've improved the IGTS; the enemies are no longer the spastic 2-animation figures of before, now they're actual 3D figures who can walk/stroll through our hail of fire... :p
I was firing the M203, and have a darn shoulder ache from keeping the M203 up... no sandbags! Next up was SAR21 IMT, which took all of 5 mins..... lunch was late (and bad), then the buses came to pick us up.. after which we took up horizontal rest position in bunk for HALF A DAY!!!
Am back home now typing this; didn't go nite's off last night cos was soooo shacked. :P BUT did get to eat the chicken wings in the mess. :D
Got a 5km route march tomorrow, after which so bo-liao buddy aid and games.. :p Well, back to camp in 2 hrs! Am on COS duty for today.
Anyway, went early this morning to Pasir Labar camp for IGTS and IMT, which like, only took half a day to complete although the program says its for the whole day! Surprisingly they've improved the IGTS; the enemies are no longer the spastic 2-animation figures of before, now they're actual 3D figures who can walk/stroll through our hail of fire... :p
I was firing the M203, and have a darn shoulder ache from keeping the M203 up... no sandbags! Next up was SAR21 IMT, which took all of 5 mins..... lunch was late (and bad), then the buses came to pick us up.. after which we took up horizontal rest position in bunk for HALF A DAY!!!
Am back home now typing this; didn't go nite's off last night cos was soooo shacked. :P BUT did get to eat the chicken wings in the mess. :D
Got a 5km route march tomorrow, after which so bo-liao buddy aid and games.. :p Well, back to camp in 2 hrs! Am on COS duty for today.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
10th ICT Day 1
Gotta keep this short and sweet cos it's agony posting on this BB!
Pretty ok day, half of it was spent in briefings, the other half was for the sar21 THT; all this was of course punctuated with visits to the canteen, and our favorite pasttime, visiting the e-mart!
Food was good for lunch, and quickly reverted to standard SFI fare for dinner!
Gosh, the mess is so small now! Well, gotta go zzzz now, tomolo we'll be at PLC the whole friggin day! Pew pew! :p
Pretty ok day, half of it was spent in briefings, the other half was for the sar21 THT; all this was of course punctuated with visits to the canteen, and our favorite pasttime, visiting the e-mart!
Food was good for lunch, and quickly reverted to standard SFI fare for dinner!
Gosh, the mess is so small now! Well, gotta go zzzz now, tomolo we'll be at PLC the whole friggin day! Pew pew! :p
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Here we go again! :D
That's a picture of me in Taiwan during my ASLC days. :P a lifetime ago! Recently found a whole bunch of my old photo negatives, so decided to scan them.
They're like ghosts from the past; moments frozen in time to be forever remembered!
Well, all (mostly) packed up! Few more hours and will be back THERE again!
Hooah! I'll try to do a day by day for this! Should be interesting! ;)
They're like ghosts from the past; moments frozen in time to be forever remembered!
Well, all (mostly) packed up! Few more hours and will be back THERE again!
Hooah! I'll try to do a day by day for this! Should be interesting! ;)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Another Sunday!
Been a hectic past few weekends, cos i was shifting most of the stuff from my old place at AMK to the storage room at Extraspace; you'll be surprised at the number of rooms that are already taken up! Guess in space-starved Singapore, there's not much choice since the govt keeps squeezing people into smaller and smaller units! :p
Also getting ready for my last in-camp-training next week; sort of mixed feelings, as with the Army, there's always a measure of dread when it's mentioned (must be psychological!). However, also a bit of nostalgia involved; here's a group of guys i spent the past 10 years or so with together during our reservist training, some people have dropped in and out but the core group is always there along with the cameraderie.
Well, not getting younger i suppose! Anyway it's for 1 and a half weeks only, bet it'll feel longer than that once i'm in!
On another note.... only 2 months more to Christmas! One time of the year i really look forward to! :D Time sure flies.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Star Wars on Blu-Ray

I'm not much a fan of Eps I-III, think George Lucas should have left well enough alone! I'm not even going to start on the purported changes to eps IV - VI..... :P
Managed to fire up Ep IV and III just for the heck of it... pretty awesome as you'll never see Ep IV as clear and sharp as this! We can only hope one day GL comes to his senses, and releases the original trilogy as it was shown way back in 1977! :D
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Cowboys & Aliens 1/6

Seriously. And this is a Medicom product, darn the japs are getting beaten at their own game!
They should take a leaf from Hot Toys. Stuff like this being sold at a premium is unacceptable.
Wahahaha! (couldn't resist).
Monday, September 26, 2011
Hot Toys - Hall of Armor

Hot Darn! Hot Toys will be releasing the official 'docking stands' for the Iron Man figs! (As seen in Iron Man 2), i bet quite a few people will be buying MORE than 1 set!

I think a sweet price point will no more than 150 bucks... But i feel bad for the Orbi made one, as the detail isn't that great... but is still unique in it's own way i guess!

Friday, September 23, 2011
Sandtrooper - More Pics
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Recieved my Space Marine collectors edition today, it was WAY heavier than i thought it'd be, plus pretty big! Comes in a nice slipcase jacket too. :)

You pull out a "book" which opens out to reveal the artbook, which contains the goodies; the set includes the game, an artbook, soundtrack, cards and a purity Seal... with which i can use to obtain all virgins in the Imperium! Mwuahahaha! :p

The artbook contains concept art and renderings of the heroes, villians and environs in the game, the soundtrack should be good. :)

Don't really know what the cards are for though! :p Time to purge the Xenos!
Sideshow/Hot Toys 1/6 Sandtrooper Sergeant
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Master Replicas - Boba Fett Part 2
Master Replicas - Boba Fett - Pt 1

Got this shipped in OMG shipping cost sux! :p And HAHA to writing Bobby Fett on the box! Who's that anyway, his american cousin? This is the 1:1 scale Boba Fett helmet from Master Replicas; regular edition, think it's 1,500 produced worldwide?

Pretty standard packing box, comes in two styrofoam halves and is padded... helmet is pretty hefty too! Too sleepy now to comment much so just one more pic. Update later in the day!
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